Expanded Cinema

Tipo de publicaciónBook
Year of Publication1970
AutoresYoungblood G
Number of Pages432 pp
EditorialE.P. Dutton & Co.
CiudadNew York
Publication LanguageEnglish
Other Id.NumbersOCLC 98641
Palabras claveBuckminster Fuller, Carolee Schneemann, Expanded cinema, James Seawright, John Cage, John McHale, John Schofill, John Stehura, John Whitney, John Whitney Jr., Jordan Belson, Michael Snow, Nam June Paik, Otto Piene, Pat O'Neill, Paul Morrissey, Philip Makanna, Ronald Nameth, Scott Bartlett, Stan Brakhage, Stan VanDerBeek, videotronic, Will Hindle
Texto completo

“The first book to consider video as an art form, was influential in establishing the field of media arts. In the book he argues that a new, expanded cinema is required for a new consciousness. He describes various types of filmmaking utilising new technology, including film special effects, computer art, video art, multi-media environments and holography.” (Wikipedia)

Inexorable evolution and human ecology / R. Buckminster Fuller --
pt. 1. The audience and the myth of entertainment : Radical evolution and future shock in the paleocybernetic age ; The intermedia network as nature ; Popular culture and the noosphere ; Art, entertainment, entropy ; Retrospective man and the human condition ; The artist as design scientist --
pt. 2. Synaesthetic cinema: the end of drama : Global closed circuit: the earth as software ; Synaesthetic synthesis: simultaneous perception of harmonic opposites ; Syncretism and metamorphosis: montage as collage ; Evocation and exposition: toward oceanic consciousness ; Synaesthetics and kinaesthetics: the way of all experience ; Mythopoeia: the end of fiction ; Synaesthetics and synergy ; Synaesthetic cinema and polymorphous eroticism ; Synaesthetic cinema and extra-objective reality ; Image-exchange and the post-mass audience age --
pt. 3. Toward cosmic consciousness : 2001: the new nostalgia ; The stargate corridor ; The cosmic cinema of Jordan Belson --
pt. 4. Cybernetic cinema and computer films : The technosphere: man/machine symbiosis ; The human bio-computer and his electronic brainchild ; Hardware and software ; The aesthetic machine ; Cybernetic cinema ; Computer films --
pt. 5. Television as a creative medium : The videosphere ; Cathode-ray tube videotronics ; Synaesthetic videotapes ; Videographic cinema ; Closed-circuit television and teledynamic environments --
pt. 6. Intermedia : The artist as ecologist ; World expositions and nonordinary reality ; Cerebrum: intermedia and the human sensorium ; Intermedia theatre ; Multiple-projection environments --
pt. 7. Holographic cinema: a new world : Wave-front reconstruction: lensless photography ; Dr. Alex Jacobson: holography in motion ; Limitations of holographic cinema ; Projecting holographic movies ; The kinoform: computer-generated holographic movies ; Technoanarchy: the open empire.


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