Best rated

Best rated publications according to the votes of the website's visitors.



  • Michael Snow - Cover to Cover

    "Michael Snow has challenged the reader’s/viewer's notion of a book, indeed one's very notion of perception." - Benjamin Buchloh


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    30 USD


  • Power Misses II: Cinema, Asian and Modern

    Like David James' earlier collection of essays, Power Misses: Essays Across (Un)Popular Culture (1996), the present volume, Power Misses II: Cinema, Asian and Modern is concerned with popular cultural activity that propose alternatives and opposition to capitalist media. Now with a wider frame of reference, it moves globally from west to east, beginning with films made during the Korean Democracy Movement, and then turning to socialist realism in China and Taiwan, and to Asian American film and poetry in Los Angeles. Several other avant-garde film movements in L.A.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    38 USD


  • The Melancholy Lens: Loss and Mourning in American Avant-Garde Cinema

    The impact of significant loss has exerted a powerful influence on several American avant-garde filmmakers. The Melancholy Lens offers a detailed look at biographical and psychological factors discernible in the art of Maya Deren, Stan Brakhage, Gregory Markopoulos, Robert Beavers, and Ernie Gehr with an aim toward a greater understanding of their work.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    Paperback - 39,95 USD
    Hardcover - 125 USD
    Ebook - 39,95 USD


  • Moments of Perception: Experimental Film in Canada

    Film is the art form of our times. It has formed the background of our lives, informed visual arts practices, and formed our culture’s stories, its memory.

    Moments of Perception is a landmark book. The first history of twentieth and early-twenty-first-century Canadian experimental filmmaking, it maps avant-garde films from the 1950s to the present day, including their contradictions and complexities.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    Paperback - 29,95 USD


  • Letters Home

    This beautiful and mysterious book whose unedited pages contain a collection of letters that the famous brothers Jonas and Adolfas Mekas sent from America to Semeniškiai village, Biržai district, Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic. They were all addressed to the most important addressee of their lives – their mother, Elzbieta Mekienė.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    29,80 EUR


  • Experimental Filmmaking and Punk

    Just as punk created a space for bands such as the Slits and Poly Styrene to challenge 1970s norms of femininity, through a transgressive, strident new female-ness, it also provoked experimental feminist film makers to initiate a parallel, lens-based challenge to patriarchal modes of film making.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    Paperback - 24,99 GBP
    Hardback - 75 GBP
    Ebook - 22,49 GBP


  • Lettrisme et Cinema: de la lettre au photogramme

    Le lettrisme, mouvement néo-avant-gardiste qui déploie ses activités dans l’immédiat après-Seconde Guerre mondiale en France, investit rapidement et avec intensité le cinéma. Entre 1950 et 1952, Isidore Isou, Maurice Lemaître, Guy Debord, Gil J.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    14,50 EUR


  • Le Petit Boris illustré - Boris Lehman par lui-même

    Pour la première fois, un livre qui cerne au plus près la figure presque légendaire du cinéaste belge Boris Lehman.

    Ici, aucune analyse de films, aucune critique. Il s’agit plutôt d’un livre d’artiste, portrait de Boris par lui-même, qui se présente sous forme de fragments savamment agencés, mêlant dessins, photos, poèmes et documents divers.


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    59 EUR


  • slow emergency siren, ongoing: Accessing Handsworth Songs

    slow emergency siren, ongoing: Accessing Handsworth Songs
    edited by Sarah Hayden with contributions from Clive Nwonka, Elaine Lillian Joseph, Sarah Hayden, Care-fuffle Collective


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    20 GBP


  • VALIE EXPORT - Invisible Adversaries

    Anna, an artist, is obsessed with the invasion of alien doubles bent on total destruction. Her schizophrenia is reflected in the juxtapositions of long movie camera takes with violently edited montages: private with public spaces; black & white with colou


    Average: 1 (1 vote)


    36.00 EUR



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