
  • RAM Nº2 (Revista Archivo Manoseado) online!

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    RAM (Revista Archivo Manoseado) es una publicación digital que tiene como objetivos estimular el estudio, la reflexión, la creación y la divulgación de las obras hechas total o parcialmente a partir de material de archivo propio o ajeno (llámese: apropiación, reutilización, mezcla, edición, resignificación, usurpación, reciclaje, collage, etc.). Nº2, Diciembre 2018 / Chile ISSN 0719-8043 Edición: Cé Eme y Pablo Molina Guerrero. Diseño y diagramación: Cé Eme. Revisión de textos: Pablo Molina Guerrero.

    En este número:


  • FILM PANIC Issue 6 - Out Now!

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    This issue of FILM PANIC Magazine focuses on the making of Rouzbeh Rashidi’s latest feature film Phantom Islands, which premiered in February 2018 at the Dublin International Film Festival.


  • Upcoming books from The Visible Press

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    UK publisher The Visible Press has made public a list of their forthcoming publications. Four new books presenting the writings of renowned filmmakers Lis Rhodes, Ken Jacobs and Peter Kubelka, as well as an anthology of articles from the British journal Afterimage.


  • Film Panic Issue 4

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    Film Panic Issue 4 is now available! This issue contains in-depth interviews with seven exciting  contemporary filmmakers who are exploring the possibilities of the art of cinema!

    Available here as a free pdf and a super limited edition print run:


  • Found Footage Magazine issue #3

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    Special On Angela Ricci Lucchi & Yervant Gianikian:
    - Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi: Archive, Technology and Body, by Paula Arantzazu Ruiz

    The work of Yervant Gianikian and Angela Ricci Lucchi is a cinema of catalogue, a cinema that displays previously archived images and shapes an enormous inventory of 20th history century. It has been more than forty years since these Italian filmmakers (Gianikian is of Armenian origin) have been recovering, re-filming and re-editing archived films by means of the analytical camera—a re-visualizing tool made ex profeso to manipulate film footage from different sources, either by cutting original frames, reversing images and revealing their negative, modifying speed or manipulating the montage.


  • Film Panic Issue 3

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    Film Panic Issue 3 is now available! This issue contains in-depth interviews with five exciting and unique contemporary filmmakers who are exploring the possibilities of the art of cinema!

    From the editorial: "In this issue of FILM PANIC we interview five contemporary filmmakers, each of whom is creating work that is totally independent both creatively and financially. Each one of them is forging their own path and playing their own part in expanding the possibilities of the art of cinema and, in their own way, continuing the journey that began many years ago with the pioneers of the medium."


  • Found Footage Magazine issue #2

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    Special on Barbara Hammer:
    Audacious Appropriations: Barbara Hammer’s First Half-Century, by Greg Youmans

    The scope, inventiveness, and audacity of Barbara Hammer’s career compel us to expand the frame from found footage to appropriation more broadly. Her appropriations of material from audiovisual archives (what is traditionally called found footage) came after and alongside more fundamental appropriations of various cinematic means of production, from film cameras and optical printing to a range of digital hardware and software, as well as the generic codes and practices of pornography and documentary. And these actions have in turn always been bound up with her appropriations of physical space: in film after film, Hammer wrests space (and time) away from heteropatriarchal coding and control.


  • Millennium Film Journal No. 61 "World Views"

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    The focus of Millennium Film Journal's 61st issue is the international artists' cinema, including articles on works from the Polynesian Islands, Japan, Eastern and Western Europe, and North America. Throughout the world, artists are turning to the moving image as a means of personal expression and thematic exploration. Whether displayed on huge outdoor public screens or hand-held devices, whether captured with tiny recorders carried by drones or huge crane-mounted super-high definition cameras, the movement to lens- and screen-based art is universal.


  • Found Footage Magazine

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    Found Footage Magazine es una publicación independiente de carácter semestral e impresa en inglés y español, con conteidos informativos, teóricos y analíticos sobre el cine de metraje encontrado o found footage. Los contenidos del primer número, que se lanzará el próximo mes de octubre, incluyen la extensa monografía sobre Bill Morrison, 'Una arqueología poética del cine', por Matt Levine, más una entrevista con el cineasta; ensayos sobre la 'ética de la apropiación', y la obra de Martin Arnold, Peter Tscherkassky y Santiago Álvarez. El número también presenta varios artículos, incluyendo una crónica de la reciente edición del Festival of (In)appropiation por su directora Jaimie Baron, y diversas críticas de obras contemporáneas y publicaciones recientes sobre cine de metraje encontrado.

