Pantalla Fantasma 5 - Call for submissions

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You can now submit your works to Pantalla Fantasma 5 right now. The event will happen in January 2016 in Puerta (Bilbao, Basque Country) and other venues to be confirmed. Please check the entry form and rules,  and the manifest.


  • Running time: minimum 40 minutes
  • File format: Digital file in DVD; or online (wetransfer, dropbox, copy, vimeo, youtube…); PF also likes other formats like VHS, Beta o super8.

Deadline: 15th October, 2015

The aim of Pantalla Fantasma is to show weird, strange, borderline, outsider movies… to explore unknown dimensions of the visual media with no fear of surrendering to the format. “If the white lid of the screen could reflect light of its own, it would burst the universe” Luis Buñuel.

We’re looking for your weird movies!

Director: Jorge Núñez Collaborators: Puerta and Eremuak


Thursday, October 15, 2015 (All day)
