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Drew Burgess's picture
The Disassociative Manifesto

[quote][/quote]counter-cultures catering to the mainstream[quote][/quote]?????
Was wondering about your position on counter-cultures, the above statement strikes me as something of a contradiction, could you elaborate more?
The way I see it, mainstream culture has always been quick to capitalize on developing 'counter cultures' and quickly finds a way to commercialize emerging trends in youth culture by replicating the superficial apperences of an emerging counter cultural trend and selling 
a consumer orientated version back to the mass audience that the initial movement was trying reach, the mainstream channels do this so rapidly, that most counter cultural movements are little more than parodies of what they originally stood for by the time they reach there intended audience. But I see this as more a situation of mainstream culture catering to counter-culture, or rather mainstream culture's automatic ability to sterilize any movement that may exist in opposition to it's interests.   

Anyway just wanted to express my thoughts on that subject, because it is an area I am very interested in at the moment, I would like to congratulate you on your manifesto though I think it raises some very important questions.
Would like to discuss about it more.

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