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[news]: Kenneth Anger restorations

[url= Kenneth Anger restorations[/url]
The UCLA (University of California - Los Angeles) Film and Television Archive has restored four of Anger's short films and premiered them last Saturday at the 13th Annual Festival of Preservation, held at the UCLA campus. The event had the attendance of [b]Kenneth Anger[/b] who was interviewed for the occasion. The restored films are [i]Fireworks [/i](1947), [i]Scorpio Rising[/i] (1963), [i]Kustom Kar Kommandos[/i] (1965) and [i]Rabbit's Moon[/i] (1950).[br /]
The first three films, originally shot in 16mm haven been blown up to 35 mm in their restored versions. [i]Rabbit's Moon[/i] (1950) was originally shot in 35 mm, but it was available until now in a reduced, 16mm version and by mistake, with the image flip-flopped left to right. The restored version brings back the original format and image orientation. The Archive has intentions to restore more of Anger's films, though no specific plans have been made yet.

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