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Moviate Underground Film Festival

Moviate Underground at Artsfest takes place during Memorial Day weekend in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Mostra Internazionale del Cinema di Genova

“The only true realist is the visionary” (Federico Fellini).

Moscow Experimental Film Festival

Our 1st Moscow Experimental Film Festival is the first in its kind in Russia – which gives an excellent opportunity for both Russian arti

Montreal Underground Film Festival

MUFF celebrates low-budget filmmaking and promotes those who challenge the constraints and conventions of mainstream Hollywood.

Mono no aware

MONO NO AWARE is not a film festival| its focus is the cinematic experience.


MIX NYC has presented the latest in queer experimental film and previously unseen works from legendary figures in avant-garde cinema.

Milwaukee Underground Film Festival

The Milwaukee Underground Film Festival is a student-run, international film festival dedicated to showcasing contemporary works of film

Migrating Forms

Bringing together moving image work from a wide range of venues—from film festivals and biennials to museums and microcinemas—Migrating F

Mientras tanto CINE

Mientras tanto CINE es un festival de cine experimental de Uruguay.

Melbourne International Film Festival

MIFF is a not-for-profit organisation that has been continuously running since 1952, making it the leading film festival in Australia and

Media City Film Festival

Media City Film Festival is an annual international festival of film and video art presented in Windsor, Ontario and Detroit, Michigan si

Marienbad Film Festival

Marienbad Film Festival aspires to become the only Czech film festival dedicated primarily to the discovery of new filmmaking approaches


Márgenes es un espacio de cine que ofrece al gran público la posibilidad de acceder a películas españolas de calidad surgidas en la perif

Magmart - Video under the volcano
Magmart - International Videoart Festival

Magmart | video under volcano is an international videoart festival, which over the years has seen the participation of