Vídeos en la red

The videos listed here are not hosted in this site and are only linked to other video sites such as Youtube or Google Video for reference purposes. If you want to add a link, post your videos or find an unappropriate content and want a link removed, please contact us.

Also, please notice that internet videos are usually low-quality versions or not "final cuts" of the original works and therefore are not intended to actually substitute them.

  • John Baldessari - Baldessari Sings LeWitt (1972)

    Baldessari Sings LeWitt"One of Baldessari's most ambitious and risky efforts. Seated and holding a sheaf of papers, he proceeds to sing each of Sol LeWitt's 35 conceptual statements to a different pop tune, after the model of Ella Fitzgerald Sings Cole Porter. What initially presents itself as humorous gradually becomes a struggle to convey Lewitt's statements through this arbitrary means."
    —Helene Winer, "Scenarios/Documents/Images," Art in America 61 (March 1973)


    Promedio: 4.6 (5 votos)


  • Gary Hill - Elements (1978)

    Elements "In Elements the staccato sound acts on the image and its relief,
    created by a synthesizer. The sequences show the transformations of an
    image similar to rope arranged in parallel lines gripped by Bits.
    Weaving, walls, bark with relief effects are evoked by close ups of
    black and white lines. Gary Hill introduces voice-off into a tape
    for the first time. The words of the text are related to the four
    elements (air, water, earth and fire), but they are only occasionally
    intelligible because a technical process jostles and deforms the
    syllables. "


    Promedio: 4.3 (4 votos)


  • Gary Hill - Primary (1978)

    "Primary is a performance video in which the artist represents and breaks down the movements of the articulation of the spoken language b


    Promedio: 2.3 (3 votos)


  • Gary Hill - Mouth Piece (1978)

    "Using a fictional interactivity of the artist's body on the image, Mouthpiece is a humorous simulation of a performance video.


    Promedio: 1 (2 votos)


  • Marina Abramovic - Relation in time (1977)

    Marina Abramovic's performance 'Relation in time', with her long time partner Ulay.


    Promedio: 3.8 (6 votos)


  • Bill Viola - The reflecting pool (1977-79)

    "All movement and change in an otherwise still scene is confined to the reflections on the surface of a pool in the woods.


    Promedio: 3.6 (7 votos)


  • Hollis Frampton - Snowblind (1968)

    Snowblind"Homage to Michael Snow's environmental sculpture 'Blind.' The film
    proposes analogies, in imitation of 3 historic montage styles, for
    three perceptual modes mimed by that work." - Hollis Frampton


    Promedio: 3 (3 votos)


  • Bill Viola - Anthem (1983)

    "Anthem is a post-industrial lamentation, structured on the single piercing scream of a young girl as she stands in the vast chamber of U


    Promedio: 3.4 (7 votos)

