Stella Erratica


Promedio: 3.3 (3 votos)

British super-8 filmmaker Ben Barton has released a limited edition blu ray of his film 'Stella Erratica'.

'Stella Erratica' was funded by David Bowie just a few months before his death in 2015. The film was then painstakingly finished by hand over the next two years. It has been screened at many festivals internationally, but is now available to buy for the first time.

• Limited edition of 50 blu rays, all signed by director Ben Barton
• Supplied in a steelbook case, spray-painted, and hand numbered
• The metal case has been individually engraved with the film’s title
• Also includes a limited edition metallic postcard of the Stella Erratica poster
• Professionally authored blu ray includes the film scanned in 2k quality
• Also included on the disc is a photo gallery, trailer, and an audio interview broadcast on Talk Radio with Paul Ross and the director
• Blu ray is region free – playable worldwide
• Delivered in a special metallic pink bag

£15 per steelbook, strictly limited to 50 editions
Plus £2 delivery (UK) or £5 delivery (Worldwide)

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15 GBP


Fecha de publicación: 

Jueves, Febrero 27, 2020
