Videos on the net

The videos listed here are not hosted in this site and are only linked to other video sites such as Youtube or Google Video for reference purposes. If you want to add a link, post your videos or find an unappropriate content and want a link removed, please contact us.

Also, please notice that internet videos are usually low-quality versions or not "final cuts" of the original works and therefore are not intended to actually substitute them.

  • Mónica Baptista - Diário (2011)

    This film was made with series of images, over 4000, all them integrate a photographic recording that I have been carrying out for the past three years. Without any initial purpose that would circumscribe all these images, this photo diary drifts and accompanies many different circumstances, trips, places and people.

    The editing of the film shown here does not resort to any major tricks: no image cutting was carried out - the photos are all here, in chronological sequence - frame speed was manipulated in a 35mm editing table where the mechanic and physical gesture can create a suspension of frame in time, interspersed with other moments in which the progression of the film takes on a syncopate rhythm.


    Average: 3.8 (4 votes)


  • Lee Hangjun & Hong Chulki - Cracked Share (2008)


    Average: 3 (4 votes)


  • Jeff Keen - Irresistible Attack (1995)

    Irresistible attack (Jeff Keen, 1995)An extract from Jeff Keen's breakneck Artwar series last performed as a multi-projection event at Brighton's Phoenix gallery 2006.


    Average: 2.5 (2 votes)


  • Dominic Angerame - Pixiescope (2003)

    A film that seems to be partially created by the magic that only pixies can create.


    Average: 4 (10 votes)


  • Willard Maas - Andy Warhol's Silver Flotations (1966)

    In April of 1966, the Leo Castelli Gallery in New York opened an exhibit by the true Jay Gatsby of American art, Andy Warhol.


    Average: 2 (2 votes)


  • Raymond Salvatore Harmon - YHVH (2008)


    "The intention of the film is a meditation on the nature of the divine in the mundane. It is what you would call a trance film. By simply watching the film it becomes a meditative tool, bringing the viewer into a construct of moving imagery without relationship to the actual.

    I based the editing of the film, its length, and the choice of sound on the Kabalistic Tree of Life (Sefer Yetzirah). I have chosen ten composers to make ten different soundtracks for the film. Each soundtrack representing a specific sphere on the Tree of Life."

    - RSH, from a private letter October 2005


    Average: 2 (3 votes)


  • Stéphane Marti - Oratorio (2008)

    By on
    oratorioLed by the lyricism and baroque energy of Bach's "Christmas Oratorio", super8 images, dominated by blacks, captured in jerks, a trio of boys walking, light and accomplices in three venues in Paris. A few sentences from the "Dictionnaire de l'amour" by Dominique Noguez, illustrating their connivance and serves as a counterpoint to the choreography of their wandering.


  • Saul Levine - New Left Note (1968-1982)

    newleftnotes.jpgAs editor of New Left Notes, the newspaper of Students for a
    Democratic Society (SDS), Levine was at the center of multiple radical
    political movements. For this film, he employs a rapid fire editing
    style to create a frenetic, kaleidoscopic portrait of the antiwar
    movement, women's liberation and the Black Panthers.
    'New Left Note' is a study of radical politics in radical film form."
    - Marjorie Keller


    Average: 2.3 (4 votes)


  • Emile Tobenfeld - No such animal (2008)

    nosuchanimal.jpgAn excerpt from an Improvised Mixed Media performance with Doctor
    T video mixing with the jazz-inflected improv band No Such Animal.


    Average: 3 (3 votes)


  • James Broughton & Joel Singer - The gardener of Eden (1981)

    James Broughton & Joel Singer - The gardener of Eden (1981)Filmed on the paradise island of Sri Lanka, this intense poetic work celebrates the eternal dance of nature's sexuality, and sings of the lost Eden we all search for but do not expect to find.
    In the midst of his fertile garden, while he awaits Adam's return, God tries to keep his eye on all the flowering exuberance he has seeded. The film is written and narrated by James Broughton, and photographed by Joel Singer. The music is performed on twin conch shells, and the central actor is in real life the most famous horticulturalist in Ceylon.


    Average: 2.5 (4 votes)

