Peter Rose's works available on DVD

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Peter Rose's Peter Rose has just announced the release, in a self-published edition, of 2 DVDs contaning nearly the entirety of his work.

- VOX 13 will contain remastered versions of all his films and videos concerning language: Siren (1990), Genesis (1991), The Gift (1993), Foit Yet Cleem Triavith (1988), Digital Speech (1984), Secondary Currents (1982), SpiritMatters (1984), Metalogue (1996), The Pressures of the Text (1983), Understory (1997), Babel (1987), The Darkening (2000), and Sleeping Woman (1992). NTSC, 120 min., 40 US$.

- Selected Works will contain remastered versions of the more purely visual material: The man who could not see far enough (1981), Analogies: studies in the movement of time (1977), Incantation (1970), The Geosophist’s Tears (2002), Rotary Almanac (2000), Pneumenon (2003), Odysseus in Ithaca (2006), and Omen (2001). NTSC, 90 min., 40 US$.

These DVDs can only be acquired contacting the artist.
